Thursday, March 6, 2008

33 Week OB Update

I had my 33 week OB Appt yesterday. All went very good except the baby is still in a breech position. They do not tend to get too worried about this until 35 weeks, so they scheduled me for another ultrasound which I will have on 03/18/08. I am super excited that I get another US as this time I will be able to bring my mom and sisters. I am guessing that if she is still breech in two weeks they will try to turn her.. otherwise.. hopefully she will turn on her own. Once they get past the 35 week mark it's a lot harder for them to turn on there own cuz they are much bigger and don't have a lot of room to move around. So.. keep your fingers crossed that she will get into the right position or maybe I will try standing on my head :)

1 comment:

jb said...

u need to do it more:)