Thursday, August 28, 2008

Olivia on floor


Love the finger :)

She's getting so big
Trying to hold her own bottle.. not really though.. the chair is doing most of the work here

She found her feet!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Olivia outside

Olivia in bouncy seat.. crazy girl!

Olivia eating cereal


After working up a sweat during tummy time, Liv wore herself out and fell asleep on the living room floor :) How sweet

Tummy Time!

Water Fun!

Olivia went to Drew's 1st Birthday party a few weeks ago and had her very first water park fun! Karie had her entire back yard filled with different water toys/pools/activity sets for the kids to play in so we decided to put Liv in one of them.. she liked it at first until we put her on her tummy in the cold water! She wasn't digg'n that too much!


I had a mole removed yesterday from my chest. The needle hurt like crazy but it's all gone! Now I just have a big ol' crater. Hopefully it will fill in. Yuck huh?!?!?

Monday, August 25, 2008

MIsc pics

Olivia with cousin Ravyn. Rayvn LOVES her baby cousin!
Happy Girl
Sport'n her new hat and scarf that Aunt Debbie made her
of course.. hands in the mouth.. always
Big girl in her swing for the first time! She loves it!

Clothes, clothes and more clothes!

Aunty Erin decided to do some garage saleling for Olivia and came home with all of these adorable clothes for her. Took me 4 loads to wash them all! I think she is set for a while now!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Misc pics

Bath time!
Big smiles
Breana and Livy
Trying to get that thumb!
Strong girl!

She now sleeps on her tummy

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More Olivia

I'm 3 months old and getting big!
My little feet
And my little fingers
More big eyes
Gotta love the hats
Go Twins!
Favorite chair
Dang, I am SO adorable!
Goofy lips :)

Adult Camping Weekend

Silly one...
Silly two
silly three
me, Dee Dee, Melissa and Amber

Where did it go?

Jeannine and Lori
Lori and Tony
Annette and Dee Dee
James, Jesse and Dee Dee
who's this crazy lady?